Wednesday, December 16, 2015


And so it looks like the KAAtooM game is suffering from lack of players, time of the year/ different commitments et al... never mind.  This got me thinking and reading ... Oh oh I hear my players! lol.  So anyway I was reading a post on Google + - yes it can be helpful- about the reading list of D&D, the Appendix N and how the blogger was considering the stories lying therein were about ready formed people, not ones who trudched through various 'level' and had mostly formed character traits etc etc etc.  This sounds a lot like another game I enjoy, namely Traveller.  With this in mind I bent my ear to trying and fleshing out a system, using 1st ed as its base that reflected a more 'fully formed' character to start with, without it being some ridiculous high level , munckin, monty hall cast member. Along the way as changes happened some other interesting things came to light, which I'll get to at that time

So we start the game with what ever generation system you favour ( this will have an impact as will be obvious soon) we favoured 4d6 remove one dice.  Then place your stats where you want in order: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.  So far nothing unusual here. Choose race ( most of the stories represented a human centric world but if the Dm is cool go for whatever races you want) and class - any class for the 1st Ed players book appears doable in this system we dont use thief as anyone can use these skills if they purchase them. Again nothing out of the ordinary here except for the theif situation.

Next we start with the change.  The first 3 stats become the characters hit points, with an 'HP' pool of what adjustment the Constitution would give from the table in the players book. Next, if playing an arcane or divine magic using class figure your spell pool - these are used as the power behind you casting spells.  Each  point equates to powering a spell of that level e.g 1 pt  = 1st level, 3 pts = 3rd level and so on. So it is Charisma + 1/2 (round down) Wisdom for divine and Constitution + 1/2 (round down) Intelligence for arcane. Next total the characters intelligence + 1/2 (round down) Wisdom score for the Skill / ability pool to buy these. Also a caster can choose to purchase extra spells on a point for level basis, 1st level = 1 pt, 4th level = 4 points. Skills are bought from the skill table below. Abilities are listed under the respective class table.  To gain a higher ability the character has to  have the preceeding ability as a prerequisite and then go forth, adventure, find treasure etc to pay for training to gain the new ability as well as invest time in learning - this is a slight tweak on exsisting training rules in the DMG but to me it is now more of a reason to do it as opposed to it  being an optional part of the game - the character has to go out and get stuff to profit, put themselves at risk etc. Anyway onward... the character recieves any beginning abilities from the class ability table and then can decide what abilities they want to buy  (remembering they have to have the previous ability to be able to have and use the later abilities on their table.). After this the spell using characters are assigned beginning spells (usually 4) in consultation with the DM - I use the spell table in the DMG- they can buy spells with any left over points or keep a few to use in game to speed up skill or ability aquisition ( e.g. halving time and therefore cost of training- using this to fill in any gaps they might not have considered while building their character.) as well.
Lastly Money is rolled , equipment bought etc.  An option is to roll on the magic tables in the back of the DMG for parties starting above first level ( I have set probabilities based on Lv3-5 (based on a 1d3 roll).  Then you're ready to rumble.  There are other rules governing how to use spells or roll for skill outcomes  and some variations on that will be next;

Skill table;
Wpn:User can use this weapon with a plus to hit as level bought
Wpn Specialisation ( gives user +1 to hit/dam and AC while using that weapon - only available to Fighters, Rangers and Paladins, only bought once for each weapon associated with it)
Weapon Focus (gives user +1 to hit or damage or AC while using the weapon - available to the other classes, only bought once for each weapon associated with it)
Armour:Soft, Semi Rigid, Rigid - Not applicable to Magic Users, and Druids are limited to natural armours of said type.
Armour: Shield, Armour:Padded, Armour: Leather usable by Magic users.
ID Plant Type
ID Animal Type
ID Pure water
Make Potions - usuable by spell users only
Make Scrolls- usable by spell users only
Make Enchanted item-usable by spell users only
Find remove traps
Open Locks
Pick pokets
Move silently
Hide in Shadows
Hear noise
Climb Walls
Read languages
Learn Alignment language
Mask mind
Self Induced Catalepsy
Tracking Skill

Abilities table;
1 Weapon spec
1 Weapon type
1 Armour type

1 Weapon type
Giant class damage
Tracking skill
Surprise adjustment
Post start;
Spell use: Divine druidic - limited to 3rd level spells
Spell use Divine arcane - limited to 2nd level spells

Spell use :Divine
Turn Undead / Command Undead

Spell use Divine (Druidic)
Speak one animal language
Pass through overgrown areas at normal speed and without trace/ Speak four animal language
Immunity from charm spells cast by woodland creatures/Speak four animal language
Change form/Speak four animal languages

 Paladin (In our games they are considered under a priest not fighter subclass as they are seen as the 'fighting' arm of the church)
1 Weapon
1 Armour
Detect Evil
+2 saving bonus
Immune to all forms of disease
Lay hands
Cure disease
Protection from evil 1" radius
Turn undead/Command undead
Call Warhorse
Holy Sword adjustments
Spell use : Divine

Magic User;
Spell Use:Arcane

Spell Use:Arcane(Illusions)

Gain movement1: add 5"
Open hand attach doing 1d6
Stunning ability
AC adjustment: -2 off AC
AC adjustment: -2 off AC
Gain Movement2: add 5"/Not subject to any disease
Open hand attacks: 2 pr round/Not subject to haste or slow spealls
Open hand attach damage = 2d6/Heal self
Ac adjustment: -2 off AC/resistance to charm etc spells
Gain Movement3; add 5"/Psionis resistance
Open hand attack: 3 pr round/ immune to poison
Open hand damage = 4d6/immune to geas and quests
AC adjustemnt: -4 off AC
Quivering palm.
As you can see I have chose not to do the table for theif or Assasin as we play that anyone can be these - its more a question of moral choice not profession, but if this choice does not sit well with you feel free to create your own tables.
Also if the text states restrictions on race or class then these have to be observed.  The attracting followrs or building strongholds stuff is left up to the character by role playing or announcing that is what they are wanting to do ( as well as having permissions to do so by those inpower re land) the heck does this work? (hopefully I'll complete this prior to the annual camping trip. See ya soon and until then....Game On!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Social Contract

So resisted doing one of these but can see its worth in shortening down the conversation between GM/DM/Ref and Players (which ever side Im on)...

I'd have to say that this applies to me if I am in the PLayers role as well.
Anyway Keep Calm and Carry On!....