Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Room Temperature Fusion Part1

Gidday there.  So starting up a new game in a new world I starting looking at what I wanted to play.  Since we are playing over the intertubes a more traditional face to face game approach would probably slow the pace.  With this in mind I have tried to return the game to its roots while using a little of the more modern day play innovations.  So here I present my OD&D/AD&D 1st Ed, 3.5 and 5th Ed mix - borrowing some ideas and sprinkling a few of my own...

I have done away with the Thief class ( which was not present in the original game until a later supplement).  What I have done is assumed that everyone has the basic thief abilities from their table on page 28 of the Player Handbook. Also I have added the Tracking ability from the Rangers class.  At 1st level a player decides which ability they are going to raise to the next level.  This is modified, as thieves were, for race, dexterity and armour. Each new level the player decides what their character will progress in,  thus a player may continue to strengthen one area or be more rounded and choose a few select abilities to support their concept of their character.  This is in effect similar, for me at least, to all the things that a character could have were you playing 2nd Ed and up with the proficiencies, feats et al that seem to populate character generation these days but without having to do any add on mechanics that complicate the running of the game further (looking up multiple conditions and exceptions during play-slowing down the pace and fun).

Next I reorganised the Classes.  Now there are three main types ( as in Original D&D).  Fighter, Cleric and Magic User.  The Cleric class comes in three subclasses: the Priest ( what we presently call Cleric), Paladin and Monk. There is a fourth,  the Bard, which can be attained later by a Fighter or Magic User once they have reached 7th level.

The Fighter can weapon specialise, gaining a +1 to hit, damage and AC while using the weapon (Ranged or Melee)-this costs an additional weapon slot.  They can not stack multiple specialisation on a single weapon so no anime style action here folks. It costs one additional weapon slot (in addition to the normal extra slot for specialising) to specialise and they also can gain the same Monk hand fighting ability (off the Monk table) at the cost of two additional weapon slots.  They  also gain no bonus to the to hit, damage or AC if they choose this. As per normal Fighters can use any weapon and armour.  They start with 5 weapon slots, a -2 non proficiency as well as gaining a new weapon every 1/2 levels.  Lastly the Fighter gains the ability to attack once per round for each level they are against creatures that are less than 1 hit dice ,beginning at 2nd level.  This changes to creatures under 2 hit dice at 7th level and 3 hit dice at 12th level.

Next The Magic User (aka Magician) is pretty much left as previous with a few smaller changes.  Each Magician can spontaneous cast the same number of spells (only Candlelight and Read Magic) as they have additional languages from the Intelligence table each day.  Candle light appears at the end of this post if you are interested to include it in your game else Read Magic stays the same.
Also the Magician can wear cloth and leather armour ( the leather armour needs to be specially constructed for the Magician and costs double normal and not wearable by anyone else.).

Out of the three Cleric classes the Priest remains almost unchanged from the 'normal' Cleric class. They are able to spontaneous cast, like the Magician, using there Wisdom score on the Intelligence Table to read how many additional languages number they have to use for spontaneous casting.  They are able to cast two new spells - Aid and Hallow.  Spell descriptions are below.
Each Cleric also has a slight change in their 'undead' ability.  Priests of a goodly bent use the turn undead process, those of an evil nature use the command undead.  Those who are of a neutral disposition ( use 'Control Anima').  They use the life force in small ways , such as a small rock slide, blow up a small dust devil etc The effect, like turn/command can only be used one at a time, so there are no hoards of Anima controlled happenings, accept where they are able to roll like a normal Cleric can for number turned etc. The hit die worth affected is the same as the undead that they would have normally turned etc. For example if a Priest was trying to get some trees to entwine their branches they might have to try and turn something like a ghoul (if its a few big trees) at first level, needing a 16 to be successful.  Or if the trees are saplings or brush they may require to use the Skeleton line , needing a 10 - this is up to the Dungeon Master to work what they feel is appropriate. They still affect 1-12 'individual trees' as would they do if turning undead. (For me I am setting an object that has around 5-6 hp as an HD1 creature and going from there).
Lastly Priests of a high level can, as Magician's do with Arcane, create magic items of a religious nature.

The Monk class still retains many of their previous abilities - the falling ability, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, their fighting with hands AC adjustment and movement abilities. As all characters now get the previous theifly abilities they use this instead of their previous thief like abilities.

The last of the Cleric class is the Paladin. This class uses all of the previous abilities with the following changes: the Paladin can be of any alignment except Neutral.  So where they have protection versus Evil this changes thematically to the diametrically oppose alignment.  So a Chaotic Neutral Paladin would have Protection versus Lawful and so on.  They also gain either the turn or control undead ability depending whether they fall on the goodly or evil side of beliefs (Neutrals choose at Character Generation). Paladins are also able to weapon specialise as Fighters.
Lastly the Player must make up a 10 point code of behaviour, depending on Religion and alignment that is passed to the Dungeon Master for approval before play.

There are also some entry into class statistic requirements, weapon use and proficiency table, but these are Dungeon Master dependant and what works best of the group and gaming world.  I will  present what is being used in the KAAtooM world after the Bard section.

As there is no multi-classing in this game one way to gain other abilities is to choose the Bard after attaining 7th level as a Fighter or Magician. See below for all Class entry statistics.


S:9 Cn:9
W:9 Ch:9
W:9 Ch:9 Dx:15
W:9 Ch:15 S:13
All non edged
Monk wpns +Sh / Lg Bow
Non Neutral
Magic User

I:9 D:9
Magic User Weapons + Sling, Br Sword, Lt X bow
Non Lawful
7 lv (F or MU)
I;13 Ch 15
As per Bard
As per Bard

Characters roll 3d6 and arrange to taste.  If a Player rolls below a 9 then I roll a d6 with the following results
1-2 Stat becomes a 7, 3-4 Stat becomes an 8, 5-6 Stat becomes a 9.  This way a character can have low statistics but not so that they make the Character difficult to play.Also for non Fighter classes the can choose a 'Favoured' weapon that allows them to choose a bonus of 1 to either their hit, damage or AC while using this weapon.  This is not stackable.


Candlelight: takes 1 segment to cast material is soot, duration is 1 hour + 1hour per level. Produces phantom flames which give off a 5' radius light  from hand or object cast on. Can be cast on targets 'eyes' to try and temporarily (1d4 rounds) blind them (requires target to save versus spells to negate. Range is 20 feet plus 10 feet per level. Caster decides when spell stops (up to duration)

Aid: +1 hp healed or additional save versus poison or disease at +1. Material is symbol not consumed, takes 1 segment to cast.

Hallow: Focus is symbol, casting time is 2 round.  Area affected is a 10 square foot area (per level) of ground.  If anything (evil) creature moves through this area they gain a -1 to all activities and are required to make a saving throw to be able to start moving across it in the first place.  If they make the saving throw then anything of the same ilk will not require a saving throw (used for groups of undead for example).  If the first individual fails then they are stopped from moving through until one of their number has made a successful save.  If cast on an individual then the target is allowed a saving throw (Chr based) to become unpossessed of the evil influence( whatever fashion that may take) The reverse of this spell, Condemn, operates has similar effects but replaces the influence with Evil. A Neutral Priests  chooses influence at character generation.

Lastly I present my Weapon proficiency matrix which is in effect in the KAAtooM game;

Weapon Proficiency table:
Initial # of Wpns
Non Prof Penalty
New Wpn Prof
1/2 lv
1/4 lv
1/3 lv
1/3 lv
Magic User
1/4 lv
As per previous
As per previous

There are a few other ideas i am playing with, such as the player picking one statistic to improve.  They choose said stat, roll a base percentage and at each level attainment they gain an additional 1d10 to the percentage.  When the percentage equals or goes over 100 then that stat goes up one ( within Racial maximums).  The player is then free to choose a new stat or the old one to continue the process.