Monday, May 15, 2023

Just a thought...

Hi de hi, long time I know but... 

during a game of about 2 or so months ago ( before the dreaded Covid bug hit me), I was trying out a new manner in which to resource Arcane spell casters.  At first level an arcane spell caster gets 1 d10.  When they want to cast they throw the dice and have to get equal to or over a target number to be successful in casting.  The equation to get to the target number was - Level of spell being cast, number of spells already cast within their '24 hour' day and the number of resets.  A reset is where they are unsuccessful and can not cast until they have spent 15 minutes per level of spell they wish to use for that 24 hour period in going over their spell books etc- so they need a safe and relatively quite place to do so. So in this example case if a caster had cast 3 spells and this was their first reset ( after their first unsuccessful casting ) and the spell level was 2 that target number would be 3 (number of spells already cast that day)+1(for the each reset) + 2 (spell level) =6. If they roll that or better they can cast the spell. Each 2 levels after first, ie 3rd, 5th etc. the caster gains another d10.  This helped the caster be a little more versatile while also putting in limits so they don't go overboard. And yes if the target number is above the max they can throw on the number of die that casting is impossible until they cycle into their next 'day'. The players appeared to think it a fair and useful mechanic  which supported the group more without creating mega-monsters. Try it and get back to me about your experience.

Game on!
