Sunday, April 12, 2015

RTF the Last...or Part 3

Okay so we've dealt with the character generation and most of the day to day workings.  Onto Character advancement and how those new 'abilities' (that are old thief and ranger skills) work.

Every character starts off with all of the following abilities ; Open Locks, Pick Pockets, Find/Remove Traps, Hear Noise, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Climb Walls, Tracking and Foraging. At first level the character picks one of these abilities that starts at the second level off the thieves table or adds 3% to either the starting point of 66% for Tracking or +1 to the Foraging roll (4d6 equals or less than the characters Wisdom score to succeed).  Characters have the racial, armour and Dexterity/Intelligence table to adjust their abilities (see below)  I have included my KAAtooM races to illustrate this. At each level a player chooses one ability to move to the next level.  Its up to the player to decide how they wish to develop their character with this.  So you could develop a very stealthy fighter, a Cleric that excells at opening locks or a Mage that is very good at finding and removing traps, or a generalist.  This is my nod to 'customisation' of characters  as is in 3.5 D&D without all of the cumbersome conditions, exceptions, prerequisites etc etc etc that hamper that rule set at higher levels.

Adjustments to Abilities

Ability Adjustments

None Std/Padd ElfChn Scl/Rng/Chn Splt/Bnd Plate

Pick Pockets 5 -30 -20 -35
-40 -50

Open Locks
-10 -5 -15
-20 -30

Find/Remove Traps
-10 -5 -10
-25 -35

Move Silently 10 -20 -10 -25
-30 -40

Hide in Shadows 5 -20 -10 -25
-30 -40

Hear Noise

Climb Walls 10 -30 -20 -35
-40 -50


-10 -20


High H Low H Grn Elodin Brz Elodin Iron Dw Cppr Dwarf Vallan Osian Wld Osian Pl Rukunn Hl Rukunn
Pick Pockets 5

Open Locks 5

15 10
15 10 5 5
Find/Remove Traps 5

10 20 15

5 5
Move Silently

10 5 5 5
10 20 5 5
Hide in Shadows

10 5 5 5
10 20 5 5
Hear Noise 5
10 5 5 5 10 5 5

Climb Walls
5 10 5 -15 -10 15 20 25


5 5 5

5 10 5 5

Intelligence for Tracking

For every point over 9 add 2 %, conversley for every 1 point under 9 remove 2 %

 For Dexterity follow the adjustments from the table in the players handbook. There is no adjustment to foraging due to statistic or armour or race.

There is one unified experience table as follows;

Lv        XP             Lv        XP          Lv        XP
1          0                7        5040       13        241920
2          2                8      10080      14        282240
3          6                9      20160      15        302400
4         24              10   40320      16         312480
5        120             11  80640      17         317520
6        720             12 161280     18        320045

How does one gain XP?  Instead of individual creatures XP is given based one the events of the encounter and what happened etc,  a single character fighting off a gang of thugs may only get none, 1 XP or several XP depending on the challenge and on the ideas the character comes up with to solve the problem.  While this does not quantify for the group what can be expected from any particular type of encounter it certainly does raise the stakes if a player wants to generate as much XP from an encounter etc.

So thats about it .  Tell me what you think of the system.  We have been playing it now for about 2 months and the feedback so far has been positive from the players. Cheers and Game on!

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